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December 9, 2017 – Lennard High School Race

On December 9, 2017 Electrathon of Tampa Bay will hold our fourth race of the 2017 – 2018 Race Season at Lennard High School located at 2342 Shell Point Road in Ruskin Florida 33570. Last year host and Lennard Electrathon Team Sponsor Jim Reve had Dr. Earl J. Lennard (school named after) at the race to drop the green flag for the first race. The race this year will be held on the football fields track which means its a simple oval track. We are hoping to see our Titans, I Will Mentorship, Brooks DeBartolo and Lennard Teams at this race.

Red – Track

Blue – Pits

Yellow – Caution Tape

White – Scoring / Registration

Green – Tower


On December 2, 2017 Electrathon of Tampa Bay will have a number of teams representing us at the Longwood Christmas Parade. We will meet at Andrew and Pony’s home and then head to the parade staging area. After the parade we will have a get together at their home. Thank You Andrew and Pony for inviting us to your home. For more information, contact Fredi or Charlie.


2016 Parade PictureLongwwod 2016

We had a great day at the Longwood Parade on December 2, 2017. We had a total of 11 cars representing ETO. A special thank you to Pony and Andrew for their hospitality in hosting us before the parade and having a great cookout after the parade at their home.









Nov 4, 2017 – Middleton High School Tiger 120

Our third race of the 2017 – 2018 put another great day of racing in the books. We had 14 cars ready when the green flag for the first race dropped.

We want to welcome Plant High School to the Electrathon family as they joined us for their first race. The team worked well together and came in with a 4th place in the first race and a 5th place in the second race for a 5th place overall in the High School Class. Their speed was slow compared to the other teams but the car and driver combo worked very well. They are going to work on gear ratios for the December race. When they get the right gear ratios watch out.

It was good to see Drew and Pony from the Electrocutioners back at our races. Drew in the 72 car took over where he left off last season by taking both races in the Advanced Battery Class. Pony didn’t drive as she was the teams pit crew. University of South Florida and Pro EV had mechanical issues and finished 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Jim Robinson of the Silver Bullet Team car 94 made his return in the Open Class by taking 1st overall. Tiger Racing car 4 and Hillsborough Community College car 30 were both plagued with mechanical issues.

In the High School Class there were 8 starters with Simmons cars 35 and 53 continuing their winning ways with a 1st and 2nd overall. Middleton High School cars 80 and 365 (the home team) took 3rd and 4th. The Mulberry High School team had the drive wheel fail during the second race to ruin their day. We don’t  expect that to slow this new Mulberry team down as they are coming along in a strong fashion. Brandon High School cars 9 and 14 had multiple problems with both cars and finished in 6th and 8th. Team Sponsor Mark Knowlton continues with his team to drive forward at the races until their new car is completed and makes its debut at a race. 

Our next race will be on the 1/4 mile track at Lennard High School on December 9, 2017. We should see the new team from I Will Mentorship Foundation from Ft. Myers at our next race. Another new team, from Brooks DeBartolo Collegiate High School, had members at this race to get a feel for what to expect and are making final preparations to join us in December.

We will be in the Longwood Christmas Parade on December 2, 2017, followed by a get together with Drew and Pony.

We want to give a shout out to Nicodemus Brothers for stepping up and taking Jim Truitt’s place as our Inspector in the pits. Jim was out of town due to a death in his family; our thoughts are with his family during this time of loss.

We should have a larger field and some exciting racing in December. Hope to see EVERY TEAM there.

Advance Battery Class – 1st Place Electrocutioners car 72, 2nd Place University of South Florida car 132, 3rd Place Pro EV car 039

Open Class – 1st Place Silver Bullet Racing car 94, 2nd Place Hillsborough Community College car 30, 3rd Place Tiger Racing car 4

High School Class – 1st Place Simmons car 35, 2nd Place Simmons car 53, 3rd Place Middleton car 80, 4th Place Middleton car 365, 5th Place Plant car 98, 6th Place car Brandon car 14, 7th Place Mulberry car 38, 8th Place Brandon car 9

2017 2018 Race 3 Middleton

November 4, 2017 – Middleton High School

middleton-2BLUE – PITS







The third race of our season will be held on November 4, 2017 at Middleton High School located at 4801 North 22nd Street in Tampa, Florida.

We will be selling used tires 6 for $5.00, used tubes for $1.00 each, Helmets for $20.00 each, three bicycles for $10.00 each to use the metal for building or repairing an Electrathon car. We will also start up our 50/50 drawing, 1 ticket for $1.00, 6 tickets for $5.00 and 15 tickets for $10.00, proceeds will be divided, half going to ticket holder and the other to ETO.

A free day of Electrathon Racing for the entire family and friends, come out and support our high school, college and enthusiast while they compete at this race.


Race Day Schedule



Electrathon of Tampa Bay welcomes our new supporter, Batteries + Bulbs in Brandon Florida, located at 1926 West Brandon Blvd. Store Manager Jim Campbell (813-689-3300) provided one of our Hillsborough County Public Schools, High School Team with a great price on new batteries for their Electrathon Cars. Jim has also quoted us a great price on Optima Yellow Top D35 batteries. Unfortunately they are on back order until the middle of November. Please give Jim Campbell a call for all your Electrathon Battery needs and all of your personal needs for batteries and bulbs. Great addition to our family of supporters.


USF Oct 7, 2017 Should We Race? That Was The Question


The race at the University of South Florida was a question mark up till the day before. With the weather forcast changing daily and hourly and the tropical storm heading into the gulf what were we going to do.
Turns out the weather was great but we did start early. Light winds and sunny. Out next race at Middleton High School should not have the uncertain weather conditions.
The new course at USF was a real challenge and hard on tires, wheels and drivers.
There were multiple blown tires and this week the Brandon 9 car drove the wheels off of the car when a wheel bearing froze up and locked the rear wheel.
The 9 car took both races last time out but the wheel problems dropped it way down the standings this time out.
The Middleton 365 car kept its wheels on this time out and finished second on the day. The 365 car had a wheel come apart last time out.
The new kids in town, Mulberry and Simmons, both had good days. Mulberry took a 3rd in the second race and Simmons took the top spot for the day in the High School Class.
Plant High had their new car out for the first time. They ran some practice laps for a shakedown run. They have some inspection items to correct and they will be ready to go. Hope to see them on the track next month at Middleton.
In the Open Class it was Rodney in the 4 car taking both races. HCC had multiple problems over the course of two races including when they wound up spinning out late in the second race.
In the Exp. Battery class it was the home team, USF running away from the field in both races.
The new course had more turns and less straightaways which lead to more wear and tear on the cars. The roughness of the track surface didn’t help either. We made a suggestion to the USF team to put in a work order to have the parking lot repaved. They said Yeah, Right we will get right on that.
In Feb. we will be back on the regular track layout for the Engineering Expo at USF.
Observations from the pits: Still having problems with mirrors. Ground clearance is 1.5″ min. We will start failing cars for these problems.
Finish Order:
High School: 1st Simmons #53, 2nd Middleton #365, 3rd Simmons #35, 4th Mulberry #38, 5th Middleton #80, 6th Brandon #14, 7th Brandon #7
Open Class: 1st Tiger Racing #4, 2nd HCC #30
Ex Battery: 1st USF #132, 2nd ProEv #39


2017 2018 Race 2 USF

October 7, 2017 – USF Road Course

Blue – Pits2017 10 07 USF Course

Red – Course

Yellow – Yellow Tape

Black – Tires

White – Registration/Scoring Area

Green – Scoring Tower

The second race of our 2017 – 2018 race season is approaching quickly. The altered road course at USF is 1,493 feet of track which equals .28 of a mile. This course will challenge our drivers and teams on their battery management and tire usage as the course requires a good driving flow through the turns.

The race will be held on Saturday, October 7, 2017 at USF, located at 4202 East Fowler Avenue, Tampa Florida 33620. Once you come in the main entrance on Fowler Avenue travel to the first traffic light and turn left, the parking lot will be on the right side. To enter the pit area you must go to the second entrance on the right and turn in.

We will be selling used tires 6 for $5.00, used tubes for $1.00 each, Helmets for $20.00 each, three bicycles for $10.00 each to use the metal for building or repairing an Electrathon car. We will also start up our 50/50 drawing, 1 ticket for $1.00, 6 tickets for $5.00 and 15 tickets for $10.00, proceeds will be divided, half going to ticket holder and the other to ETO.

A free day of Electrathon Racing for the entire family and friends, come out and support our high school, college and enthusiast while they compete at this race.



First Race – HCC – Sep 23, 2017 – The New Season Is In The Books

The 2017-2018 season got underway with a great day of racing. With the aftermath of Irma it was not certain how many teams we would have for the season opener. At least 3 teams were not able to attend because of storm related issues. Some were still without power and all the school teams lost at least a week of preparation because of the storm. We still had 11 cars which was a good showing considering the last few weeks.

Some of the teams affected by the storm and not here were I Will Mentorship Foundation, Palm Bay Magnet, Silver Bullet Racing and the Electrocutioners for a total of 6 cars. Hope to see all of them back on the track soon.

We want to give a big shout out to the new team from Mulberry High in Polk County. They are using one of our loaner cars and had a good day on the track. They used multiple drivers to give more of their students a chance to drive.

Another big shout out goes to Simmons Career Center in Plant City. They were absent last year but returned with a vengeance with a new Advisor and a whole new team. They are racing two very fast cars by Jim Robinson of Silver Bullet Racing. They are using some old batteries but have a new order of Yellow Tops on the way. When they get them watch out. They took 3rd place in both races and a 2nd place Overall in the High School Division with the 53 car.

In the 1st race Mulberry High School in the 38 car set a blistering pace for the 1st half of the race before the battery bug got them. Cliff with Pro Ev in the 39 car was running away from the field with his Lithium batteries when he had a battery warning alarm sound causing him to pit. That allowed the other Lithium powered car from USF to take first place in the Advanced Battery Class.

Tiger racing with Rodney at the wheel cruised to a 1st place over the host HCC car in the first race when HCC had to make multiple pit stops.

In the High School class it was the Brandon High School 09 car running very fast and steady for a 1st Place finish with the 365 Duck car from Middleton coming in a strong 2nd. The Simmons 35 car had electrical wiring problems and had to withdraw early but made a strong second place finish in the second race.

In the 2nd race Pro Ev had his battery problems sorted out and finished 1st for an overall 2nd place for the day with USF taking the 1st place overall in the Advance Battery Class.

Tiger Racing continued his winning ways with a 1st place and a 1st place overall  in the Open Class.

In the High School Class the Brandon 09 car finished with another 1st place and a 1st place overall in the class.

You know the saying he is trying to drive the wheels off of that car. Well it happened today with the Middleton 365 car having a good race and looking at a possible 2nd place overall finish. Right up to the time the left front wheel fell apart. The 365 finished the race in the pits but still managed a 3rd place overall.

The Simmons 53 car  had two 3rd place finishes for the day and a 2nd place overall for the day. A great showing for their first race in over a year.

Observations From The Pits:

With all the uncertainties over the last few weeks its not surprising there were not more lapse in attention to the little details. A loose connection on an electrical circuit. A switch in the wrong setting. A battery not fully charged. Some teams need more or better battery chargers. When working with batteries a meter to test Volts and Amps is a must. Long sleeve shirts. Enough Ballast and no duct tape. Proper battery hold downs (NO Bungee Cords)

Other than the mild fall temps (NOT) it was a great first day of racing. Now there is a short turnaround till our second race of the season at USF. So charge those batteries change those tires, fix those wheels, tighten those bolts and lets do it again.

Open Class:  1st – Tiger Racing #4  206 laps, 2nd – HCC #30 165 laps

Advance Battery  1st – USF #132  211 laps, 2nd – Pro Ev # 39 199 laps

High School  1st – Brandon #09  205 laps, 2nd – Simmons #53  186 laps, 3rd – Middleton #365  186 laps, 4th – Brandon #14  172 laps, 5th – Middleton #80, 6th – Mulberry #38, 7th – Simmons #35


2017 2018 Race 1 HCC