All posts by Charlie Harrison


Our next race will be at Middleton High School, located at 4801 North 22nd Street, Tampa FL 33610. The Middleton Team will be selling food as a fund raiser for their teams, one of them is an ALL GIRLS TEAM, the only one in the entire State of Florida. The course will be an oval with two areas on the back straight away that has cones to make a simple serpentine for drivers to navigate through. The green flag for the first race drops at 10am 2015-middleton1and drops again at 1pm for the second race.

Strawberry Crest Electrathon

The second race of the season went well. Our host, Strawberry Crest Electrathon Team with Sponsor Jim Brockman provided great food and drinks along with a challenging course. We started the race with twelve cars under the direction of our founder Ken Fiallos. Many drivers thought the drivers education range would be that simple little oval with an inset. This course challenged drivers with an inset on both ends that were not the same. Cones flew on a few occasions as the turns took over the car and away from the driver. All safety barriers proved to be effective making all drivers safe during both races. A special thanks to Tom Beck for filling in as our Race Stewart for the day.


11-1-14-schs-race-layoutThe second race of the season is coming upon us quickly. The Strawberry Crest High School Team will host the race for the very first time. Jim Brockman (Sponsor) has done a great job getting this approved at their site for his team. Lets show our appreciation to them by having a great turn out and a safe race. The track will be set up on the drivers education pad located on the NW side of the campus. The course will be similar to that of the drivers education pad at Tampa Bay Tech as seen in the diagram. The flag to start the first race will drop at 10am followed by our second race at 1pm.

HCC Race September 26, 2015

Our first race will be held at Hillsborough Community College, located at 10414 East Columbus Drive
Join us for a day full of fun for the entire family, free admission
The flag to start the first race will drop at 10am and the second race will begin at 1pm

Georgia Tentative Race Schedule

Don Morgan in Quitman Georgia advised us of their tentative race schedule
Nov 13, 2015 – TSA Fall Leadership Conference @ Jekyll Island
Mar 17?, 2016 – TSA State Conference @ Athens GA
Apr 16, 2016 – Rabun County HS @ Clayton GA
Apr 30, 2016 – Central Forsyth @ Cumming GA
May 7, 2016 – Brooks County @ Quitman GA
They are working on a Southeast Race at Road Atlanta in June 2016. If interested in their June race, contact Don Morgan at

Code of Conduct and Safety Measures

We will use the School District of Hillsborough County, Teacher and Student handbooks as a guide for our Code of Conduct for Teachers / Team Sponsors and Students. We will use the College or Universities Code of Conduct for our college teams. We will require Board members and Auxiliary Members to be professional and courteous when they are representing Electrathon of Tampa Bay and / or the School District of Hillsborough County. Parents and guests at our events will conduct themselves in a manner that does not draw negative attention to Electrathon of Tampa Bay and / or the School District of Hillsborough County. Should there be an issue at any of our meetings or events, any member of the Executive Board can be approached and informed of the concern or issue so that it can be handled immediately. We will also require each team to have a Team Sponsor and an alternate (name and title must be on file with ETO before first race of the season) in case the primary sponsor is not available to attend a race with the students. Furthermore for the safety of everyone, the sponsor and team members are the only ones allowed in the pit area during a race. Parents, guests and non-team members will leave the pit area when the call to line up (cars to start line) is announced.

Upcoming Race and Update to Race Schedule

On September 26, 2015 we will hold our first race of the 2015-2016 season at Hillsborough Community College in Brandon Florida. Our Events Committee has worked to get the details and safety measures ready for race day.
On another note, we had a change in the race schedule as Middleton High School (District Administration)changed the date of their open house.


Executive Board Members, along with Board Members representing each team (Sponsor and Student for High Schools) are invited to the Board Meeting to prepare for the new season. Meeting starts at 4pm at the Cracker Barrel by Lazy Days RV in Seffner. The back room has been reserved for ETO Meeting from 330pm to 730pm.

McLane Middle School

Michael Wilson reported: Our Junior Solar Sprint girls team won 1st place this summer at the Technology Student Association (TSA) National Conference in Texas. Their car ran the fastest time and the display showed the engineering process of making a solar car.

Our Robotics Academy is one of 4 STEM programs that is being considered for national certification. This past school year we were awarded a model program status and will be reviewed by the national committee next spring. 20150702_094350 TSA